University Senate
The University Senate is where SDSU's major constituencies weigh in on an array of policy decisions. Senate members represent all areas of campus life and thus focus on issues that affect the University's general welfare---from curriculum to facilities, and from admissions to administrator reviews. The Senate typically meets the first Tuesday of the month (Fall: September thru December; Spring: February thru May). We encourage faculty, staff, and students to take an active role in policy-making. Contact the Senate Office if you're interested in serving on any of the many Senate Committees, Councils or Boards. Senate Leadership welcomes requests for information or support. Examples of how our help button (red button "REQUEST SENATE HELP" on right hand side) can be used to interact with the Senate Officers for items including, but not limited to:
- report a substitute for Senate meetings (Senators)
- report an issue with the Policy File
- report updates to Committee membership and details
- suggest update to website
- request Senate records
- ask a question
Senate Excellence in Teaching Award:
The University Senate is pleased to announce this year's Senate Excellence in Teaching Award winner.
Congratulations to Dr. Rachael Record, Professor School of Communication, College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts.
University Senate Officer’s Statement:
Condemning Hate and Violence in Laguna Woods, CA and Buffalo, NY
University Senate Officer’s Statement: