Senate Excellence in Teaching Award


Dr. Rachael Record
Dr. Rachael Record



Senate Distinguished



Dr. Rachael Record

(School of Communication,
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts)


Date: APRIL 17, 2024
Location: LL-430/431

Time: 3:00pm - 4:30pm

SDSU Faculty: Dr. Rachael Record


The Senate's Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes an SDSU faculty member for contributions made to students, respective academic disciplines, and the campus communities. The primary criterion of this award is teaching excellence. The awardee receives the title Senate Distinguished Professor and a stipend. Qualified nominees may be tenured, tenure-track (probationary), or FERP.


Below is a list of award recipients since 2006

Recipient Year Awarded
Dr. Erlinde Cornelis (Fowler College of Buisiness, Marketing Department)
Thais da Costa Lago Alves (College of Engineering Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering)
Shirin Hooshmand (School of Exercise and Nutrional Sciences)
Christopher Harrison (Chemistry and Biochemistry) 2021
Audrey Hokoda (Child and Family Development) 2019
Eve Kornfeld (History) 2018
John Elder (Public Health) 2017
Matt Anderson (Physics) 2015
Jennifer Imazeki (Economics)   2014
Elizabeth Pollard (History) 2013
Julio Valdes (Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering) 2011
Rebecca Moore (Religious Studies) 2010
Brian Spitzberg (Communication) 2009
Paul Gilbert (Psychology) 2008
Garry Girty (Geology) 2006