University Senate Annual Agenda

The Senate Executive Committee (SEC) is charged with presenting an Annual Agenda to the Senate at its first Fall meeting (September); it is organized around major concerns or issues that call for Senate attention during the current academic year.



SDSU budget challenges and strengths including campus infrastructure.

  • Referrals to University Resources and Planning and Environment and Safety Committees for ongoing updates; with a special focus on campus infrastructure.
  • Resolution regarding Campus Infrastructure Issues.

The Future of Teaching & Service at SDSU (minimum course enrollment requirements, teaching loads, reduced course offerings as student populations grow).

  • SDSU Artificial Intelligence (AI), surveillance capitalism and mass datafication:
  • SDSU AI Policy - Follow-up on Referral to ITS Committee.
  • Town Hall in Spring 2025.

Health and Well-being (mental health issues, burnout/overwork, high turnover, campus transitions, telework, COVID-19).


Contingent faculty equity and inclusion.

  • ASCSU Lecturer Seats resolution and constitution referendum.
  • Referral to Lecturer Affairs Committee.

Shared governance and democracy during contentious times.

  • Create a more welcoming Senate and campus community by implementing Senate Guiding Philosophies in University Senate meetings, listserv, and throughout the campus.

Accessibility-related issues.

  • Report and updates from SDSU Student Disability Services.

Develop and implement San Diego State University Senate: Quick Reference Guide for Actions & Voting.



  • Collective Bargaining and Compensation (Administrator, Faculty, Staff,
    Graduate Student).
  • The Future of Teaching & Service at SDSU: Lecturers, Professors of Practice,
    GA’s and TA’s in the Quest for R1 Status.
  • SDSU Budget Challenges and Strengths.
  • Create a More Welcoming Senate and Campus Community by Implementing
    Senate Guiding Philosophies in University Senate Meetings, Listserve, and
    throughout the campus. Develop and Implement the Senate Diversity Plan.
  • Health and Well-being (mental health issues, burnout/overwork, high turnover,
    campus transitions, telework, COVID-19.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), Surveillance Capitalism and Mass Datafication: How
    are new technologies impacting SDSU, Higher Ed, Individuals and Communities?
  • Administrator, Faculty, Staff, and Graduate StudentCompensation.
  • R2 to R1 Aspirations and Goals: Strengths, Issues and Concerns.
  • The Future of Teaching and Service at SDSU: Lecturers, Professors of Practice, Teaching Assistants in the Quest for R1 Status.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Creating a More Welcoming and Inclusive Environment.
  • COVID-19 and Mental Health Issues
  • COVID19 Health Issues and Repopulation
    • Examine/address repopulation planning.  Specifically student, faculty & staff well-being and academic achievement.
  • AY21-22 and Future Budget
    • Examine why some core academic functions are still under-resourced.
    • Examine financial support for Student Success.
  • Hiring of Faculty or Staff Lines 
    • Address issues in Tenure-Track/Tenure Faculty Planning process.
      • Examine the representation/membership on the Tenure Track Planning Committee (TTPC), so that all Colleges (+ Library) are represented on the committee.
      • Reformat of the Dean’s faculty positions information form to TTPC, so that it provides more qualitative information on College needs.
    • Advocate for rebuilding staff after early exit program.   
    • Examine growth of administrative ranks.
  • R1 vision 
    • Examine disparities in teaching load between colleges to support (i.e., colleges on a 3-3 or higher coming to at least a 2-2).
    • Examine under-funding of Student Services.
    • Examine under-funding (library, faculty, staff, updated and new laboratories).
  • Faculty Workload
    • Establish policy that realigns faculty work hours with the 180 days per year that they are contracted to work.
    • Address faculty market-based and equity salary. Specifically, address issues of equity and parity within the institution.
    • Improve tenure track density on the Imperial Valley campus.
  • Senate 
    • Improve online video meetings and make them more effective and efficient.
    • Improve shared governance and inclusive in its representation and focus.  
    • Examine recent developments against university and Senate diversity efforts (specifically concerns over discrimintation and reports of bullying based on race, gender, and speech).
    • Improve access to Senate online documentation (i.e. policy, resolution, provide senate orientation materials)
  • COVID19 Physical and Mental Health Issues 
  • AY20-21 and Future Budget Scenarios
  • Hiring Pause of Chill of Faculty or Staff Lines
  • Engage in the Strategic Planning Process.
  • Strengthen the Senate’s power to adequately represent the various campus constituencies.
  • Develop policy to guide the campus implementation of the principles of shared governance.
  • Help the campus successfully restructure itself (administratively, technologically, culturally.
  • Take an active role in welcoming President de la Torre to campus, and orienting her to Senate priorities, operations, and needs.
  • Build Senate capacity by increasing the number seats for staff - including those who are nonrepresented (2 or 3) - and lecturers (2).
  • Monitor:
    • reforms affecting General Education and assessment — including WASC Review Panel recommendations and Executive Order 1100; call for routine reporting from any Task Force or Committee charged with implementation.
    • reforms affecting remediation — including Executive Order 1110; call for routine reporting from any Task Force or Committee charged with implementation.
    • rollout of Graduation Initiative 2025 (activities, curricular decisions, etc.); call for routine reporting from any Task Force or Committee charged with implementation.
    • rollout of the accelerated Registration Timeline; call for routine reporting.
    • the development and implementation of Diversity Plans (within Faculty Search Requests) that the Senate approved in Spring 2018.
    • the initial (and “experimental) rollout of Winter Session in January 2019; call for routine reporting from the College of Extended Studies.
  • Assist with forming (early Fall 2018) and then monitor the Task Force charged with implementing curriculum approval process reforms that AP&P recommended (and the Senate approved) in Spring 2018; call for routine reporting
  • Review the Policy File with an eye to modernizing policies to reflect technological enhancements, changed priorities, new or revised state laws and CSU regulations, etc.—and refer each instance to the appropriate Committee(s) for input.
  • Initiate and monitor a review of Aztec Shops, per the Policy File (UNIVERSITY POLICIES: Organization—>Auxiliaries, Review of).
  • Based on recommendations emanating from a referral to AR&P and a Sense of Senate Resolution (both approved in May 2017), continue the discussion on University budgeting (with an eye to transparency, shared decision-making, and reallocation of resources).
  • Help to facilitate campus feedback for CSU Executive Orders, consulting any and all groups potentially impacted by their implementation.
  • Track CSU regulations relating to the educational quality of courses and programs offered online.
  • Professionalize the Senate Office via an enhanced web presence, access to files (records, reports), and timely submission/posting of agendas and minutes.
  • Promote the precepts of shared governance via regularly-scheduled events that are both informal (i.e., coffee with the Officers on specific issues) formal (i.e., workshops for select Standing Committees on preparing action-item revisions to policy).
  • Review and share results of the Campus Climate Survey (administered in Spring 2017).
  • Monitor the progress of the Freedom of Expression Task Force, and call for routine reporting from the group.
  • Monitor reforms affecting General Education and assessment — including WASC Review Panel recommendations and Executive Order 1100 — and call for routine reporting from any Task Force or Committee charged with implementation.
  • Monitor reforms affecting remediation — including Executive Order 1110 — and call for routine reporting from any Task Force or Committee charged with implementation.
  • Monitor the roll-out of Graduation Initiative 2025 (activities, curricular decisions, etc.) and call for routine reporting from any Task Force or Committee charged with implementation.
  • Play a role in providing campus feedback for CSU Executive Orders, consulting any and all groups potentially impacted by their implementation.
  • Review the Policy File with an eye to modernizing policies to reflect technological enhancements, changed priorities, new or revised state laws and CSU regulations, etc.—and refer each instance to the appropriate Committee(s) for input.
  • Initiate a review of Aztec Shops, per the Policy File (UNIVERSITY POLICIES: Organization—>Auxiliaries, Review of).
  • Based on recommendations emanating from a referral to AR&P and a Sense of Senate Resolution (both approved in May 2017), continue the discussion on University budgeting (with an eye to transparency, shared decision-making, and reallocation of resources).
  • Track CSU regulations relating to the educational quality of courses and programs offered online.
  • Professionalize the Senate Office via an enhanced web presence, access to files (records, reports), and timely submission/posting of agendas and minutes.
  • Monitor the progress of the Class Size Task Force.
  • Monitor the progress of the Freedom of Expression Task Force.
  • Participate in implementing recommendations of the WASC Review Panel - including issues associated with the SDSU general education program, assessment, graduate education, etc.
  • Participate in the ongoing periodic review of Associated Students, per the Policy File (UNIVERSITY POLICIES: Organization—>Auxiliaries, Review of).
  • Initiate a review of Aztec Shops, per the Policy File (UNIVERSITY POLICIES: Organization—>Auxiliaries, Review of).
  • Initiate a discussion of all facets of university budgeting.
  • Track CSU regulations relating to the educational quality of courses and programs offered online.
  • Monitor the implementation of the SDSU Strategic Plan.
  • Engage with the WASC accreditation process.
  • Participate in the periodic review of Associated Students per the Policy File (UNIVERSITY POLICIES: Organization—>Auxiliaries, Review of).
  • Follow the implementation of the recommendations of the Class Size Task Force.
  • Track state governmental actions relating to educational quality, academic planning and funding for higher education.
  • Monitor changes to and implementation of the SDSU Strategic Plan.
  • Act on the recommendations of the Class Size Task Force.
  • Act on the recommendations of the Course Evaluation Task Force.
  • Enable the WASC accreditation process
  • Monitor state governmental actions relating to educational quality, academic planning and funding for higher education.
  • Monitor and participate in searches.
  • Make sense of General Education.
  • Discuss how shared governance can be more inclusive at San Diego State University.
  • Participate in implementing the Strategic Plan.